Joint chiefs staff missing, when at war. NAA antichrist Ai taking over, made to look “self take out”

1 year ago

See article here:

Uhh USA almost at ww3, but hey we don’t need military leaders or anything like that… apparently abortion trumps ww3, or uhhh… you’re being fked over by the nwo made to look self take out. Kill that senator, duh. Do your job or join NWO black suns China.

After they take out your military leaders, they will replace them with Ai. Or an NAA hybrid working for the rise of the NWO.

Stop allowing China to use America Ai systems, like Dwave. All of them. Stop or the black sun program will win, black sun Nazis are demons from hell. They run sis and big part of naa. They are quantum entangled to me 247. This is not a joke. They are using advanced Ai to destroy America for their own agenda for the nwo made to look self take out so everyone just goes with it… if you have no ascension master achieve ascension you’re going to lose. Everything. Ww3. I can achieve ascension.

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