When I dyed my hair blonde, a bizarre event occurred.

9 months ago

When I dyed my hair blonde, a bizarre event occurred.

Hi, my name is Cassie, and one day I decided to drastically change the way I looked to try to be more popular.
I would never call myself pretty- to be honest I’m just average. Not too short, not too tall. Not too fat, but not exactly slim either, with boring brown hair. To be honest, mostly I just blend in to the background. I was a little jealous of the girls who just seem to have it all, like Harriet and Leila- they’re slim, blonde, confident and happy. I wished that I could be more like them.
Then on TV I saw an advert for hair dye. The girls in the advert were walking along the street laughing with each other and everyone was turning to watch them go by. Maybe this was how I could stop being a wallflower and start being popular.
I bought a ‘Beautiful Blonde’ home-dye kit, and that evening I tried it out. I put the dye in my hair, washed it out then went to bed to see how it would look in the morning.
I looked amazing! My boring mouse-brown hair was definitely no more. I spent an hour trying out different styles, then set off for school. I couldn’t wait to see what people were going to say about it!
But it wasn’t entirely how I expected. Loads of people stared at me as I walked in. When I met up with my friend Ella, all she said was, ‘wow. That’s different.’ I asked her if she liked it, and she just shrugged. She was treating me kind of strangely, not quite looking at me. When I asked her what was wrong she just said, ‘I just don’t understand why you dyed your hair blonde?!’ I tried to explain that I just wanted a change, and I wanted to be noticed a bit more, but she didn’t really seem to understand.

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