Uninformed Consent -- (Covid Vaccine Documentary)

10 months ago

The "just get the jab" fear porn documentary, brought to you by Pfizer. "It's for the Greater Good!" "It's Safe and Effective." "If we don't vaccinate the whole world, as we should, COVID-19 will come back to haunt us." “Nobody will be safe if not everyone is vaccinated.”

The documentary that illustrates the plandemic lies and how this was not even a vaccine nor was it safe and was not effective at all.

For the love of God, see through the lies. See the agenda behind this.

By the way, this means if they fail to get their toxic payload in everyone the sheep will turn into smart, awake wolves. "If we don't vaccinate the whole world, as we should, COVID-19 will come back to haunt us." (Interview - Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde)

This is good and the sleepers need to see this. Maybe they will see just how stupid this was and mentally prepare them for when they pull their shit again.

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