New Mexico Sheriff's Defiant Stand Against Unconstitutional Gun Ban

9 months ago

New Mexico Sheriff's Defiant Stand Against Unconstitutional Gun Ban

In this video, we go into the heart of New Mexico where a daring narrative unfolds, epitomizing the spirit of a defiant stand against government overreach at the top. Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen emerges as a beacon of resistance, categorically rejecting the unconstitutional gun ban imposed by Governor Grisham.

Join us as we explore this bold stand for freedom, a beacon of hope, and a powerful reminder that the essence of America lies in the undying spirit of defending its constitutional rights. Sheriff Allen not only vocalizes his dissent but is ready to take tangible steps to uphold the Second Amendment, hinting at the possibility of deputizing citizens to protect their rights!

As the unconstitutional gun ban narrative gains momentum, it becomes imperative to shed light on these brave acts of defiance, painting a picture of an America that refuses to back down. We need men like this in today's age of radical woke Marxists in government who throw the constitution out the window and rule be popular progressive decree.

What the Founding Fathers Thought About the Second Amendment

#UnconstitutionalGunBan, #SheriffAllen, #NewMexicoGovIsATyrant

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