We're On The Cusp Of A Change - Nobody's Coming To Save You Because You Are The Power

9 months ago

Change is in the air. Can you feel it?

We're on the cusp of a change - not because anyone is coming to save us (spoiler alert: they're not!), but because more and more people are waking up to realise that WE ARE THE POWER and that we HAVE the power to make a difference in the work and to make the changes that we need to make so that we can all experience the real truth, sovereignty and liberation that is our birthright.

BUT WE'RE NOT THERE YET ... and that's why its important to keep your spirits high - don't be programmed back into doom and gloom with the agendas that they want to re-introduce.

Oh NO. Not this time!

I'm encouraged by the great numbers of people that have woken up since last time around but this is not a time to sit back and wait.

Keep standing, keep speaking up, choose wisely and stay free.

Karen is a Psychospiritual Coach, Soul Purpose Guide, Multidimensional Healer and Teacher.

��For over 25 years she has taught all aspects of spiritual development, healing, meditation, channelling and personal growth.

��She developed her own modality - Multidimensional Hypnotherapy - in which she blends psycho-spiritual energy work in a very grounded and practical way, so that it works in a modern world.��

��She is the creator of - the Quantum Visioning Process - a process that allows you to see several potential future timelines that are available to you so that you can more consciously create the reality that you really want to experience.��

She is a Lightbody Technology Specialist and maintains direct communication with the Source and the Founding Races of this planet. ��

She has been a Speaker at Spiritual Festivals and Events around Australia and has conducted mass healing and activations for hundreds of people at a time. ��

She mostly works with spiritual women, empowering them to become the most authentic version of themselves and heal past pain and trauma so that they can fully embody their soul and align to their true soul purpose �

Karen is also available for private session work. DM for details.

Website: https://www.karenantara.org

IG: https://www.instagram.com/karenantaraenergycoach/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/karenantaraenergycoach/
FB Group: Awake. Aware. Sovereign and Free:

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