The Exchange Energy Vlog

9 months ago

The Exchange Energy Vlog Title is fro the rumble video I shared today. The date is September 9, 2023, thus 25 or #7 The Chariot card calling for swift movement along your destined path. We also threw #9 the hermit with the dice so acouncel to go within for inner wisdom.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us three amplitudes . the first being a power of 16 at 4:45 AM UTC, thus we have the Death stemming form the fall of the Tower I gave the example of the petrodollar which should fall now that saudi arabia joining BRICS. the next amplitude power was 40 at 5:30 AM UTC, therefore, we have Strength is what the Emperor usually bring to the table. the last amplitude power is 12 at 7:45 AM UTC, thus we have the Tower falling giving the hanged man pause as he changes his perspective on the disaster of the dollars fall. Could we be going to a asset based currency it is the only way I see taht DJ Trump can end inflation when he is reelected. The quality power was 8.30 thus #11 the Justice card something we should demand be just, fair and balanced. The frequency average was 7.83 hertz, thus #18 the fickle Moon card, with Illusion, lunacy and Intuition. We have the Cancer Moon sextile to Jupiter in Taruad and the Sun in Virgo. Then the Cancer moon Square Chiron in Aries and sextile Uranus in Taurus. When we look at it all we have the Chariot swiftly Leading the Emperor to Justice under the Cancer Moon.
Space Weather News site showed us a massive class C CME coming of the backside of the Sun for which we should be very thankful. The solar wind density was up to 8 protons the solar wind speed at 320 (KPS). and the soalr wind temperature at about 75,000 kelvin relatively cool. the KP index was in hte green zone with three peaks of level three in Geomagnetic activity.

Jsnip 4 told us about the new crypto coin exchange he is using . it is very informative except for using an external wallet to store you coin which I showed you one type.

We pulled two Starseed Oracle card the first being The Blue Flame card with its Spontaneous Awakening and Activating Integration time. The second card was Cracked Open thus we are hitting Rock Bottom Surrender to the Alchemy of life.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather news site:
Jsnip4 rumble video:

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