James Fetzer: Evidence That Mini-Nukes Were Used to Turn the Twin Towers Into Dust

1 year ago

James Fetzer is the founder of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" and has been investigating 9/11 for many years. He makes a compelling case that the Twin Towers were destroyed by mini-nukes (which also helps explain the huge spike in cancers for those working near ground zero). On the other hand, 9/11 expert Judy Wood has a competing high-tech theory which involves the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). Others believe thousands of metric tons of nano-thermite was used to collapse the towers into their own footprint. You decide.

(Sept, 11, 2022) Full 2 hour and 21 minute interview of James Fetzer:  https://jermwarfare.com/podcast/james-fetzer-911
9/11 Scholars: https://911scholars.org/

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