The Media Won’t Give The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Victims Any Airtime

1 year ago

The Media Won’t Give The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Victims Any Airtime So As Fellow Americans & Fellow 99%ers It’s Up To Us



“Yeah, it's heavy right now. You should feel that heaviness because this was not a natural disaster. And I would like, actually, samples taken from the soil. You guys, put the screen up. You won't let anyone see what's going on inside. But we know very well that you guys, as the third largest stakeholders, the state, do want that land and can take it when you deem it a natural disaster. And that is disgusting.

And that is why I'm also here today, because someone needs to call that out. We wanted the samples right away. You guys stopped the people from going in. It's just awful. Look at this as numbers for buildings, for money. What about the people? What about the families that have been destroyed by this fire? And for the record, I will say this, it was not a natural disaster.

This emergency proclamation is a fall. And let me tell you why. Because all of the hearings you hear, all of the testimony you hear, all of the social media you hear, it connects the dots to what's happening in Lahaina. Lahaina was our first United Kingdom capital. Funny how all the common people were taken out in one fell swoop of a fire.

Hi, my name is Jessica Wertham. I was born and raised in Haikumali. I am a mother, and I am a child of this living, breathing Earth. I do not consent to AI control. I do not consent to smart cities. And I 100% know with every fiber of my being that this was not a natural disaster.

This was a plan.

An attack there are many many i mean it's a one plus one plus one equals three equation you cannot call me a conspiracy theorist for being a critical thinker did you know that the cia the corrupt cia invented the words conspiracy theorist as a way to gaslight people for speaking up on the truth i am here to protect the mother earth where i came from i don't care that i was born in maui okay this is about the living earth and the people with good hearts, okay?

This is not about division. This is about unity, and this is about coming together and fighting for the rights of the people. Climate change does not exist. You guys are modifying our weather, okay? You are- Excuse me, okay, I appreciate your comments again, I do, but we really need to stick to the items on the agenda. It is 11 10. I don't care about your agenda. You know what? Your agenda can kiss my ass, okay? Your agenda can literally kiss my butt. Yeah, we're done.

We're done. They're crying. Yeah, it's heavy.

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons
#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons

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