Taking Down the Giants & Getting Our Country Back- The Bible's Secret Code

10 months ago

Taking Down the Giants & Getting Our Country Back- The Bible's Secret Code Our Founding Fathers Unlocked

Look around at failing cities, drug overdoses, failing marriages, sex trafficking, 33 Trillion in national debt, grid-locked government, and tyrannical politicians. Most of us just want to wake up to hear the birds chirp, have a decent roof over our heads, work hard at something we are passionate about, and love our family. Did you know God wants that for you and he actually has a formula to follow to unlock His blessings? We are oppressed, sick, running like hamsters on a wheel doing everything but what God has shown us to do. Actually, the formula for blessings is so forgotten what I am about to tell you will seem like a secret code God just unlocked. Let's unlock it together, take down the giants, and get our country back.

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