God is Sovereign (Day Laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16)

1 year ago

God is Sovereign (Day Laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16)
This parable closes with two profound verses that speaks a lot to how God’s kingdom is different than our world. Verse 15 and 16 say, 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? 16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. Verse 15 alludes to the fact that God can do whatever He wants to do with His creation, it is not up to a democratic vote, and He is not waiting around for advice from us on how to handle situations. The sovereignty of God is something foreign to us because we like to think that our opinion matters and that everyone loves to hear it; just check out our news feeds on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram if you don’t believe me. Just as the owner of the vineyard had every right to do what he wanted with his money God has every right to do what He wants with His creation.
Verse 16 drives the point home by letting them know that we have things messed up in this world in the way we view success. The individuals we think should be in the front of the line will end up in the rear of the line in the Kingdom of Heaven. Our standards are not God’s standards, and our ways are not God’s ways. When it comes to His Kingdom, he is not going to promote who the world thinks should be promoted, He is going promote those He chooses to promote. I have often thought that when we enter heaven, we will be so surprised to see who is esteemed by God and who is not. Our minds place prestige and authority on individuals who are in the public eye and have voices that are heard by many. God places prestige and authority upon those who have simply been obedient to what He has asked them to do. We rank the mighty televangelist who preaches to millions high on the list, but God may have someone who was the church janitor at their local church for 30 years much higher than them because they lived in and fulfilled God’s purpose for their life 100%. God knows our hearts and he desires our obedience over sacrifice every time (1 Samuel 15:22).

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