Earthquake in Marrakesh Hope and Tivon Update

1 year ago

There was a 7.2 earthquake where we live in Marrakech Morocco. It happened on Friday September 8th at 11:30 at night for us. So many people have been reaching out to us to ask if we are ok so we just wanted to provide an update to everyone.

We are ok, our house is ok along with our family our staff and our pets. Our business has not been affected and we will be able to proceed with filling orders as normal. Truly our house was guarded by angels during what was one of the scariest things we’ve ever experienced. Many old buildings in the Medina have collapsed, some of them were businesses of friends of ours. Entire villages in the mountains have been leveled and thousands of people have died, including two children we know who’s house collapsed on them. We are in tears, and doing what we can to help our loved ones to bury the dead.

The King of Morocco has declared three days of mourning. We are still assessing the damage and feel that it may take years to fully recover what this has done to Marrakech.

For the first 24 hours or so we were without electricity or water so it was difficult to respond to the many emails, phone calls and messages we have been getting from people all over the world asking if we were ok. We are truly overwhelmed with emotion seeing how many people thought of us when the news of this earthquake went out around the world. We didn’t realize just how much of an impact we had on so many people. Thank you so much again.

Please pray for the people of Morocco

-Hope and Tivon

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