Subah aur Shaam ki Masnoon Duain Subah ke Azkar (Urdu tarjuma) Adkar Al-Sabahأذكار الصباح والمساء

1 year ago

Azkar is the plural form of zikr, which is a singular noun. It is a linguistic term that refers to remembering. For the sake of technical definition in Islam, it refers to the recollection of Allah at all times and in all places outside of the Masjid and in all circumstances, using the speech, the heart, and the acts of the limbs.

AZKARRemembrance of Allah is the meaning of this word. Zikr is referred to as the plural form of azkar. It is a symbol of remembering. It refers to the recollection of Allah at all times and in all places, outside of the body and in all circumstances, using the speech, the heart, and the acts of the limbs, in all circumstances.

AL-AZKARRemembrance of Allah is the meaning of this word. When you say zikr, you are saying azkar (plural). That word conjures up images of recollection. Essentially, it refers to the recollection of Allah at all times and in all places, outside of the world and in all circumstances, with one’s speech, one’s heart, and one’s limbs moving.

This is done just before entering the toilet, not once you’ve entered the toilet itself! This restriction is one of Islam’s preventative efforts to keep people from spending overly extended periods of time in dirty environments. A Muslim will not want to waste time that could be spent contemplating Allah, thus he will not remain longer than is necessary.

A Muslim would not overlook azkar until he is gradually weakened and overcome by shaytan, which is unlikely to happen. As a result, he is only able to barely complete the necessary tasks. The need of Allah’s remembrance is emphasized since sin is frequently committed when Allah is forgotten.

According to the Prophet Muhammad , the three periods of the day when a servant should worship Allah are in the morning, sunset, and the final part of the night. Both in the morning and in the evening, there are tasks to complete that are both mandatory and elective.

What is azkar Arabic?
Early in the morning and late at night The name Azkar is pronounced Adhkar (in Arabic plus transliteration plus translation into English plus the number of repetitions). Azkar is a magnificent act of worship, and it should be celebrated.

What is Zikr azkar?
During the day and at night The name Azkar is pronounced Adhkar (in Arabic with transliteration plus translation into English plus the number of repetitions) Azkar is a magnificent act of worship, and it is performed by many people.

What is morning Adhkar?
The optimum time to do the adhkr in the morning is between Fajr and dawn, and the greatest time to perform the adhkr in the evening is between Asr and sunset. It is possible to make up for any time missed if you are unable to repeat them during the times listed above.

What is Istighfar Dua?
People frequently overlook the significance of the simple yet effective dua (supplication) – Istighfar, which is just uttering ″Astaghfirullah″ (I seek forgiveness of Allah). Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) repeated this at least 100 times every day, according to tradition.

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