TedX Sentient World Project, Digital Twins - Dirk Helbing [2022]

9 months ago

29 Apr 2022 - Sentient World Project includes your digital twins used for war games, war preparation, executing wars, performing mass-scale psychological operations, already controls billions of minds.

NSA, Digital Twin, Sentient World, Military, BigTech, AI, Propaganda, BRAIN Initiative, Internet of BioNanoThings, Neuralink, nanotechnology, Human Brain Indexing, Neurocapitalism, Mind Control, Smart Cities, World Economic Forum, Internet of Bodies (IoB), Meta, Virtual Reality, Web 3.0

Who is Messing with Your Digital Twin? Body, Mind, and Soul for Sale? | Dirk Helbing | TEDxIHEID

In his talk, Dirk Helbing addresses the future of surveillance. The combined use of nano, digital, AI, and quantum technologies might lead society to a whole new level of surveillance. This would not only leave our privacy behind… Dirk Helbing is Professor of Computational Social Science at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich and affiliate of its Computer Science Department. Furthermore, he is member of the external faculty of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna.

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