Souled as Stock – Your Birth Certificate allows them to Trade You as a Stock

9 months ago

All Governments of the world are ruled by Civil Law. Civil Law is called the Law of the Land.

There is a second law operating. It is called the UCC - Uniform Commercial Code. The Law of God in the world of business.

If you have a Corporation you are operating under Uniform Commercial Code Law. It is the Bible of business on the Earth.

It is directly based on Vatican Roman Canon Law.

When a ship pulls into port, it stops and is called in its Birth. Ships are on Maritime Law, Law of the Water. Law of the Land does not apply.

As soon as they pull into port, the Captain must present a Certificate of Manifest to Port Authority. They need to know how much they are bringing into the country, into the economy.

When you are born you come out of your mother's water, therefore you must have a Birth Certificate, a certificate of manifest because you are a Corporation Owned Item.

This goes to Nazis, how much is this "product" going to make for our new world order.

Your Birth Certificate is a Security on the Stock Exchange. On the bottom of all birth certificates it will tell you that this is printed on Security Papers. On the Right hand corner you will have a series of Red Numbers which are stock certificate security numbers that are traded on the world stock exchange.

Yes, YOU are a stock certificate traded on the stock exchange.

One of the hidden roles of the doctor/dock-ore is to de-liver babies & turn them into “products" of a ship/vessel to be sold in commerce using the birth certificate as the certificate of manifest Metaphorically speaking, the word ore in the word doctor/dock-ore is you (the baby). You represent the ore because you are the battery" that is being used as energy to power the artificial matrix of the Dark Forces. So, when you were de-livered from the body/vessel/ship onto the dock, you (the ore) was delivered & put onto the dock.

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