9 months ago

This was found last night as the weather turned ugly and the internet went out. Later the power kicked for who knows how long. but prior to that I cleaned out some files and I stumble on a search phrase to fix or fix. That let's me know what sort of stage a vid is at. If it says TP it means "to post" or wipe your ass with it, so I ignore them.
Anyhow, I am going to post a few tonight as I had left them, although they may seem like a re-run.
What I find cool about this one is that the volume from the movie 1984 is semi-audible, Two different films were mixed together with the audio and 1984 was muted, but it was cool to hear the words of the International Scapegoat saying "We are a Peaceful People!" to a chorus of Boo's and vitriol while standing in front of a government-run TV set.

So now that I have given away the clue let me find a couple more,,,,, Enjoy!

And approach your TV from behind and strangle it with the cord.


PS. This is what happens when you forget to turn the TV down as you spin Freak OUT!

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