It’s okay to let go

10 months ago

Releasing any resentment you may have towards someone is a crucial portion of self improvement. The bitter feeling of being treated unfairly can continue to haunt your mind if a conscious decision of acceptance is not made. Like anything, overcoming this is easier said than done. You may hold resentment against those closest to you, family, friend, partner, or even someone no longer in your life. Regardless of the relationship or the level of difficulty, you must do what it takes to resolve it. The process starts with acceptance and gratitude for all that you’ve endured throughout the course of your life. When faced with the task of calculating your next steps, be patient with yourself. Consider all possibilities that may have led to the resentment in the first place, you might come to realize that you allowed someone to treat you poorly due to the fear of losing them. In conclusion, you’ll end up resenting yourself by not knowing your worth. A substantial disservice on one’s potential. #healing #mentalhealth #awareness #consciousness #authenticity

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