US to collude with CCP for G20 Xi-Biden meeting

1 year ago

09/07/2023 Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight: Exclusive exposé from the NFSC: The U.S. is trying to set up a G20 meeting between Biden and Xi. Xi has proposed three conditions for the meeting: First, the U.S. must lift all sanctions against China; Second, the U.S. should abide by the 1992 Consensus on Taiwan; and third, Xi wants to know the U.S. response to the CCP's attack on Taiwan. In exchange, Xi would attend the G20 and have dinner with Biden, would mediate the Russia-Ukraine war, and help Biden succeed in his 2024 presidential bid.
09/07/2023 妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight:新中国联邦独家爆料,美方正努力撮合G20习拜会。习提出会面的三个条件:一,美国必须解除对中共国的所有制裁;二,美国在台湾问题上应遵守“九二共识”;第三,习希望了解美国对中共攻台的反应。作为交换,习将会参加G20并与拜登共进晚餐,会出面调停俄乌战争,并帮助拜登2024竞选总统成功。

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