Nicole on “Chinese Gate-crashers at US Military Bases, Spark Espionage Concerns”

10 months ago

09/05/2023 Nicole on Stinchfield Tonight: The Wall Street Journal reports Chinese nationals trying to access American military and other installations, sparking espionage concerns. Nicole suggests the US should sanction the CCP and hold them accountable. She points out the open border policy and visa-free might facilitate CCP infiltration, emphasizing the need for strengthening US national and border security.
09/05/2023 妮可做客Stinchfield Tonight:《华尔街日报》报道称,中国公民试图进入美国军事和其他设施,引发间谍活动担忧。 妮可建议美国制裁中共并追究其责任。 她指出开放边境政策和免签证可能会促进中共的渗透,并强调需要加强美国国家和边境安全。

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