The Lawyer Filed a Motion to Suspend Miles Guo’s Bankruptcy Case

1 year ago

09/02/2023 【Miles’ Insight】: Miles Guo's chief lawyer in the criminal case, filed a motion in Southern District Court of New York, asking to suspend Miles Guo’s bankruptcy case, as what they’ve done has already violated many of Miles Guo's Rights, which includes right of self-preservation from the Fifth Amendment and the Brady right, which is the right to obtain evidence for exculpation. In the document, it stated that the government and the Trustee have been working together behind the scenes to play Miles Guo, which has hindered Miles Guo from defending himself.
09/02/2023 【Nicole看七哥】:郭文贵刑事案的首席律师向纽约南区法院发了一个动议,要求暂停郭文贵的破产案,原因是破产案的处理程序侵犯了郭文贵的很多权利,包括第五修正案的自我保护权利及获得释罪证据的Brady权利。文件里提到政府和受托人一直联手对付郭先生,这个行为阻碍了郭文贵为自己辩护的公正权利。

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