The CCP’s Confident in Terry Gou’s Candidacy

9 months ago

08/31/2023 Aila on Steve Gruber Show: Foxconn CEO Terry Gou announced his candidacy for Taiwan's presidency, and the CCP has confidence in his candidacy for several reasons which mentioned multiple times by Miles Guo, references to Terry Gou being trained and supported by the CCP. And the CCP's trust in Terry Gou stems from his influence in Taiwan's business and political circles and his close ties with the CCP families such as Xi Jinping, Wang Qishan and Jiang Zemin.
08/31/2023 小飞象做客Steve Gruber Show:富士康总裁郭台铭宣布竞选台湾总统,中共对其充满信心。郭文贵先生曾多次提及郭台铭受中共培养和支持,可能成为下任台湾总统。中共之所以信任郭台铭,源于其在台湾商界和政坛的影响力,且与习近平、王岐山、江泽民等家族有紧密关系。

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