CCP choose a specific time to trig the economic bomb to allow its economic failure

7 months ago

08/31/2023 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: The CCP would choose a specific time to trigger the economic bomb to allow its economic failure to spill over to America. And then there's no way for the American people to retrieve their investment. Xi Jinping was being very strategic about when to pull the trigger, Miles Guo predicted that Xi Jinping would let the collapse occur to literally bring America to its knees.
08/31/2023 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共将选择一个特定时机引爆经济核弹以让其经济问题外溢和蔓延至美国。届时美国人无法拿回他们的投资。习近平对于在何时引爆这个经济核弹是非常有策略的。郭文贵先生曾预言,习近平会故意让经济崩溃,以便让美国俯首称臣。

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