Nicole: There's a Special American Interest Group Dependent on the CCP Regime

10 months ago

08/31/2023 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: The biggest problem is that there's a special interest group in the US whose profit and wealth are dependent on keeping the CCP in power. They want to continue colluding with the CCP to make a huge profit from this evil regime. That's why they don't want the correct policy to defend the CCP. We want America to stop funding the CCP so that the Chinese people can take down the CCP and China will become a free country with free trade.
08/31/2023 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:最大的问题是,美国有一个特殊利益集团的利润和财富仰赖中共继续执政。他们希望与中共继续勾兑以便从这个邪恶政权中牟取暴利。这也是他们不愿制定正确政策对抗中共的原因。我们希望美国撤资中共,这样中国人民才能推翻中共,让中国成为一个能自由贸易的自由国度。

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