Soybean amazing and dangerous.

1 year ago

Soybean amazing and dangerous.

today's video topic is the soybean and a lot of people grow soybeans in their garden but I tried that this year. I mainly had the thought of using them in the future for chicken feed and other feed. I wanted to get an idea of how much I could reduce per plant.

so I started researching and what I came across was a lot of interesting facts on the soybean, and some disturbing facts.

On average the soybean contains 19% of oil 34% protein 21% fiber 9% soluble carbohydrates 4% minerals 13% moisture. that depends on the variety of the soybean but there's not a great variance between them.

now the soybean provides an inexpensive protein for millions of people across the globe 180 g of The Bean produce 22 g of protein 26% of your daily calcium 51% of your vitamin c and 25% of your iron needs.

of course the soybean is a major cash crop for farmers and is produced widely around the world. 350 million metric tons were produced in 2022. 16 million metric tons by the U.S. alone.

94% of the US soybeans are GMO, this is a genetically modified organism.

85% of all soybeans are used to produce soybean oil. The byproduct of this process is soy meal. soy meal is used and almost all feeds for livestock and pets, from fish to your family dog. Your chicken feed contains about 30% soy meal and that makes up about 99% of the protein for the chicken.

For the next statements I make understand that I'm not in any way blaming the American Farmer or any farmer. I and blaming he developers and marketers of the GMO soybean products.

Now this is where it gets interesting the soybean contains trypsin inhibitor. A lot of other legumes contain a trypsin inhibitor, but not at the level of the GMO example is kidney beans it contains 3.1 mg per gram of trypsin inhibitor TI peanuts contain 5.6 the soybean contains 94.1 mg per gram of trypsin inhibitor.

Trypsin inhibitor is an anti-nutrient, it prevents the protein from being absorbed by the small intestines. trypsin is produced by your pancreas and aids in the digestion of proteins. The Trypsin inhibitor prevents this from working.

to producers of soy meal do not test for trypsin inhibitors, it is an extensively complicated test to do. these being said it is not feasible for them to do this. however there was a study that was done that revealed that between 2 and 6 g of trypsin inhibitor still remained after the heating process.

chickens require 16% protein in their feed to produce eggs. if there is trypsin inhibitor and sufficient quantity the protein may be 16% but how much of that is digested if the trypsin inhibitor is high. there's a lot of chicken feeds out there that has the minimum of 16% protein in them. if the TI wasn't enough quantity to reduce that protein digestion by 1 to 2% that is the difference between eggs and no eggs.

there's also a problem in the GMO soybean and that is phytoestrogens this mimics the female hormone estrogen. when animals are fed this, they pass that along to the consumer.

there is enough phytoestrogen in soybean milk that just two glasses will mimic the effect of one birth control pill. this was a study done in Switzerland. one cup of soy milk per day for males could reduce their sperm count.

yet another problem in the process of removing oil from the soybeans a lot of companies use hexane. hexane is a chemical produced from crude oil it is highly flammable the vapors are explosive. when the vapors are inhaled it has been thought that this cause damage to the nervous system of humans. now this is just the vapors I could not find any studies on the effects of consumption or skin contact effects. hexane is used insolvent-based glues and in gasoline.

I was just trying to research soybeans for feed for my chickens and in the process discover more that I ever thought I would about the soybean. so it is vital that you do your own research into the food you consume. The companies that produce these foods are not going to be giving you the truth of their product.

Remember count your blessings everyday and I believe you will find you are blessed well beyond measure I know that I am.

#soybean #homesteading #dangerous #foodsmart #phydoestrogen #trypsininhibiter #antinutrient #GMO #h

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