Assembly Halls weekend Upstate N.Y. Early 2000’s seating 💺 outside bench lunch 🍌🧃🥪 time

1 year ago

Assembly Halls weekend
Upstate N.Y. Early 2000’s seating 💺 outside bench lunch 🍌🧃🥪 time 🕰️ Born in Jehovah's Witnesses Never Got Baptist Always issues and lot Questions Agreed Some Beliefs Or Different Ways Now in My Life Know We’re i Stand & what’s i Beliefs especially that’s homosexual disgusting 🤢 and immoral corrupted sexual un·nat·u·ral Behavior even wild animals no part vom·it behavior 🔥 Sodom 🔥 and 🔥 Gomorrah 🔥 two biblical cities
destroyed by God
for their wickedness 📖 Book_of_Genesis)
19:1–28 📖 Quran) also contains a ve
rsion of the story about the two cities 🔥 destruction sin of Sodom 🔥 metaphors Homosexuality "crimes against nature (" to describe anal
or Oral_sex)
(particularly homosexual) and

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