Does the 2023 Taiwan International Religious Freedom Summit imply the CCP is about to collapse?

9 months ago

9/7/2023 The 2023 Taiwan International Religious Freedom Summit (TIRF), which is being held in Taipei, was predicted by Mr. Miles Guo! Mr. Guo mentioned earlier this year that a prominent figure in the religious community requested to hold a major religious conference in Taiwan, and a similar conference was held before the downfall of the Soviet Union. So, does the convening of the TIRF imply that the CCP is about to collapse?
#MilesGuo #Taiwan #religion #religiousfreedom #takedowntheCCP
9/7/2023 最近在台北举行的2023年台湾国际宗教自由峰会又被郭文贵先生说中了!郭先生在今年年初就提到某宗教界大佬要求在台湾开宗教大会,而苏联解体前也召开了类似的大会。那么本次台湾国际宗教自由峰会的召开是否意味着中共即将灭亡呢?
#郭文贵 #台湾 #宗教 #宗教信仰自由 #消灭中共

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