More to eat than meets the eye.

10 months ago

More to eat than meets the eye.
The garden veggies we want to grow sometimes yield more than just the main crop. Are we leaving good, nutritious food behind?
In some cases, I know I have without reliving the treasure I was tossing away. We are going to look at a few that will increase the yield from your garden.
Carrots are one. the greens pack quite a punch. Vitamins A, C, and K. The
greens of the root crop have 6 times the vitamin C than the carrot itself.
They also contain Thiamine, niacin, calcium, and iron, and is rich in dietary fiber.
Broccoli leaves can be used like any other greens. Rich in vitamins A, C, K, thiamine and niacin. Minerals include calcium, iron, and potassium. The stems to the ground are eatable also and contain the same goodness as the leaves. Just remove the tough outer skin, steam, air fry, grill,
or cook in a pan with your favorite oil.
Radish greens are another delightful green with vitamins C, A, and K, with potassium magnesium, and iron. The leaves have a fussy texture that dissipates when cooked but can be eaten raw, The smaller younger leaves are more palatable.
So don't toss those greens try them, you may discover a new favorite food.
Thanks for watching I hope you will be back.
Remember, count your blessings every day!
#williefarms #grrens #carrotgreens #radishgreens #broccolileaves

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