My weapon of choice and it may not be what you think.

9 months ago

My weapon of choice and it may not be what you think.
I carry a sidearm because it is my right and because I choose to protect myself and my family. I do not wish to impose my will on someone else but I neither want anyone to force their will on me.
The second weapon I talk about is the Bible, God's Word. That protects me far more than the 9mm on my side. The word of God is described as a sword, and is listed as part of the armor of God. The sword is both a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon. It can be used to defend against the enemy's attack. to repel him or it can be used to attack in order to defend someone else or take back something that has been taken from you. The power we bring to bear is not our own but that of All Mighty God given to us. His Word is power and if we read it, and study it, will be able to use this power effectively.
When Jesus was in the wilderness on his forty-day fast, the tempter came. Jesus was able to answer the temptations of satan by the Word of God. Matthew 4:1 to 11.
So just like a weapon you carry to defend yourself from men, you need to be proficient with the Word of God This is a far more powerful weapon than the iron on your hip.

Remember count your blessings every day and I believe you will find you are blessed beyond measure.
#Godsword #spiritualwarfare #homesteading #talk #Godsarmor #jesus

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