FBI Veteran Terry Turchie Condemns Raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Largo - 8/8/22

9 months ago

As Terry Turchie explains, we are living in the middle of a full-blown communist revolution which aims to completely destroy the United States of America.

(Aug 8, 2022) Terry Turchie, Former Assistant Deputy Director of the Counter-Terrorism Division of the FBI Condemns Raid on President Trump's Mar-A-Largo: https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/terry-turchie-former-assistant-deputy-director-counter-terrorism-division-fbi-condemns

Terry Turchie's book: "In Their Own Words: The Democratic Party's Push For A Communist America": https://www.amazon.com/Their-Own-Words-Democratic-Communist/dp/1951008367/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OZGHN0SD2QDG&keywords=Terry+Turchie&qid=1660062320&sprefix=terry+turchie%2Caps%2C486&sr=8-1

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