The 3 P's of Letting Go: Pause, Pray, Proceed

10 months ago

What does it mean to let go? to stop holding or gripping (something or someone)

Thank you for joining me on this episode: The 3 P's of Letting Go: Pause, Pray, Proceed

Reason why women we don’t let go of baggage from the past:

There is no way in the world to maneuver this thing called life without first of all having baggage from the past, and the hardest thing many times is letting go of that to embrace the future!

Fear of change. Letting go of baggage from the past can be a big change, and it can be scary to take that step.
Avoidance. Sometimes, it's easier to just avoid dealing with the past
than it is to face it head-on.
Guilt. Women may feel guilty about letting go of the past, especially if
they feel like they are abandoning someone or something important.
Pain. Letting go of baggage can be painful, both emotionally and

Low self-esteem. Women with low self-esteem may not believe that they deserve to be happy or to let go of the past.

Trauma. If a woman has experienced trauma in the past, it can be difficult to let go of the associated baggage.
Uncertainty. Women may be afraid of what the future holds if they let
go of the past. It can be more comfortable to stay in our poopy diaper
than move forward with change.
Lack of support. If a woman does not have a strong support system, it
can be difficult to let go of baggage.

It is important to remember to you are not alone! Let’s wrap this episode up by talking about 3 ways to as they say, feel the fear and do it anyway!

1. Never Lose Hope. Have appreciation for the small things.
2. Faith. In something bigger than ourselves. Whether it’s God, A power
greater than yourself, Higher Power, Etc.
3. 3 P’s - Pause, Pray/Process, Proceed.

Pause – getting in touch with yourself. Connecting in a spiritual or faith-based way that is right for you.

Pray/Process – Rely on something greater than yourself to help you through. We ultimately take the first or second step, but no matter what your beliefs are, I believe there is a master plan bigger than I can imagine, and the infinite is working for my benefit behind the scenes.

Proceed – Take the next step, in faith and confidence because we have chosen to act rather than react.

This brings coping tools and mechanisms. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise, reaching out when needing someone to talk to.

One last thought before we part, many of you may be aware that the late great Jimmy Buffet recently passed away and he always looked to keep the fun and laid back atmosphere in his music. We can all learn from that lighthearted perspective by not being to serious with ourselves and life. Let’s live our best life TODAY!

Let us know in the comments below how you plan to begin using the 3 P's of Letting Go: Pause, Pray, Proceed Go ahead, let me know what’s on your mind!

Be sure to stay tuned to next week’s show! You don’t want to miss the next episode, because we are going to talk about Goals, and Dreams for our best future!

Thank you for joining me on this episode The 3 P's of Letting Go: Pause, Pray, Proceed.

Be sure to share, like and subscribe to never miss another episode! We have so much to talk about, and I can’t wait to hear from you!

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