Unfit To Serve - More Masking? - UN Wants Speech Control

1 year ago

This WaPo/ABC News Poll Is Bad News for Biden: 68% Say Unfit to Serve

According to new numbers released from a Washington Post/ABC News poll, just one-third of Americans say President Biden is “physically fit” and possesses the “mental acuity” needed to serve as Commander in Chief.

The abysmal numbers come on the heels of Biden’s recent and explosively lackluster re-election announcement video which was widely panned as a campaign launch void of substance or enthusiasm.


UN ‘Pact For The Future’ Seeks Permanent Emergency Powers For ‘Complex Global Shocks’

The UN is set to outline a far reaching plan to secure emergency powers that would allow the global body to lead a “common agenda” for all nations during any “complex global shocks” such as a new pandemic.

The Federalist reports that the plan is to be finalised at a September 2024 ‘Summit of the Future,’ where the UN will adopt a ‘Pact for the Future,’ to include policies that have been outlined in the globalist body’s ‘Our Common Agenda‘ report.


Are Lockdowns Coming Back? These Fauci Comments Are Fueling Suspicions

Anthony Fauci’s recent comments during a Wayne State University event have some concerned that a lockdown 2.0 could be on the horizon, despite the social, emotional, financial, and educational toll it took on children, adults, and society at large.


It may be time to break out the masks against Covid, some experts say

If you’re at high risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, it’s time to dust off those N95 masks and place them snugly over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from a recent uptick of the virus, according to a growing number of experts.


The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable

Public smiling in photographs probably started in the 1920s. Photography just took too long for people to hold a smile in the early years of photography. So, they sat still instead of sitting happy. Then photos got faster and people started to smile for those photos. But, probably most if not all of us suspect people actually did smile prior to 1920. We just don’t have photo-documentation. And way long ago, George Washington probably didn’t smile for his portrait because his ivory-tooth dentures hurt.


47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects


Shoplifting has reportedly become a $94.5B problem for US retailers


UN Prepares to Hand Dictatorships Power to Control the Internet


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