Three Kingdoms Showcase

1 year ago

Three Kingdoms China is here! The most famous civil war era in East Asian history lives on as a legend in the minds of East Asia.

Heavy Cavalry
The finest warriors were chosen to be equipped with the best arms, armor, and horses. The charge of the heavily armored champions sounded the beginning of the battle. The clash between the Heavy Cavalries of each side often decided the outcome of the battle.

Physically strong soldiers wielding large heavy crossbows made up the half of the army. Their volleys formed a flying wall of heavy bolts that shredded their enemies, armored or not.

Pi Spearman
The Pi Spearman made up the second half of the army. They formed a tight pike formation with their long Pi spears to defend their crossbowman. If melee were to ensue, they engaged in horrific pike on pike slaughter.

Mao Spearman
Peasants rallied, trained, and equipped all in a single month. The Mao was a simple spear that any able-bodied man could achieve the bare minimum proficiency in the shortest time possible. These spearmen were used to bolster the army in the desperate times of the era

Light Cavalry
Fast lightly armored cavalry charged the enemy after the heavy cavalry and before the infantry advance. They joined the cavalry battle in an effort to reinforce their Heavy Cavalry and screen their infantry for the infantry battle to come.

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