The Absent Horror (Xel'lotath)

9 months ago

"There is much you do not know...and much you never will."


Scene: The Absent Horror (Xel'lotath)
Artists: Voices (Jennifer Hale/Kim Mai Guest/Richard Doyle)
Game: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Quote: Xel'lotath/Eternal Darkness

IN WHICH: Pious Augustus makes contact with Xel'lotath from beyond the boundaries of our Reality. They discuss a possible flaw in the two thousand year plan to summon the Ancient of Insanity into our Universe.

This is the first of three major cutscenes that are scattered throughout the Mix which feature Xel'lotath and Pious Augustus discussing various aspects of their long term plan to bring Eternal Darkness to our world. Only the coming planetary alignment will generate enough Power to fuel the massive summoning spell. The devastating effects of Insanity gripping our world can be felt as the Great Ancient's time approaches.

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