JLE London X Unity Inspires Projects!

10 months ago

Enjoy the full #unityflow #podcast audio - https://open.spotify.com/episode/4oxofNU3aT86OmOzdsMp2m?si=L33lZCJcSq6N1MBe6cVt0g

Exciting options in London for Selichos Yaakov Klein 🎶 hosted,by Jewish Futures - Eilecha bH

BTW I spoke, shared & will be following up at the 😄 #JLE - Jewish Learning Exchange in Golders Green Thursday night right off the plane and Lel Shabbos Friday night...

All of us let's go #Unity #Inspires #Projects 🤝Unityinspireprojects.com

For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black and co - plz DM or Email - Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

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