The Future Came and We Missed It - Hidden in Plain Sight

1 year ago

Have we already had a technically advanced civilization - has our past been erased and our history altered. Have we been duped and made into a slave race to the ruling class. This certainly opens your eyes to other possibilities and once you see it you can't unsee it. Whateve it once was, there are many many questions to be answered.

I have uploaded these videos that I feel are important in your journey of awakening and discovering what is being hidden from the public. Most of what we believe to be true in many cases are lies. Without knowing it we are prisoners of an elite few who wish to control us, poison us and manipulate us into doing their bidding. Most governments around the world are compromised, heads of countries are placed and most elections are fraudulent. You think you are free, you think you have a voice and a choice - you do not. It is up to you to take the step, open your eyes and start to learn about your world and what is really going on. Information is power and hopefully the information in these videos can help you open your mind to some truths, allowing you to make informed opinions.

If you like particular videos - the content and the authors, please support their channel - I do not own these videos nor have any claim on them, my aim is to bring together good information. I cannot claim that all the content is true, but these videos give you a good insight into what is going on behind the veil of truth.

I encourage you to do your own research and not take everything at face value. Watch, learn, research and come to your own conclusions.

Kind regards Ann

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