Culture War | Guests: Brandon Dutcher and Ryan Haynie | Drag Queen Principal Hired in Oklahoma City | Ban on Child Sex Change Surgeries For Children Under 18 in Oklahoma | Lawsuit | Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

1 year ago

Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs’ (OCPA) Brandon Dutcher (Senior Vice President) and Ryan Haynie (Criminal Justice Reform Fellow) joins the Moms on a Mission Podcast to discuss their mission of 30 years to watch out for the best interests of Oklahoma families, businesses, children and taxpayers. Brandon explains that in the past they have dealt with more fiscal issues but since around 2020, they have dealt with more severe, cultural issues such as a Drag Queen hired for a principal position in an Oklahoma City school. Ryan discusses the new Oklahoma ban on child sex change surgeries for children under 18 (Senate Bill 613) and the subsequent lawsuit with the ACLU. He explains the status of the lawsuit and what could possibly ensue from a precedent perspective down the road. Listeners are encouraged to call their state legislators, because that does make a difference, and to find a think tank organization in their respective states.

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