Arms Race from Paradise Lost Book 6

10 months ago

Paradise Lost Book VI stands as a parable for the escalation of aggression and violence enabled by man's bending of nature to the the genius of intellect. Man becomes a master of industry and thus makes destruction and war (and sin) possible on an industrial scale. In this chapter Satan's hosts do battle with the Angels and after defeat return to counsel and determine to make greater weapons with which to defeat their enemies. Digging deep into the earth
"up they turn the earth's entrails of mineral and stone
of sulpherous and nitrous foame they mingled and with suttle art
Whereof to found their Engines and their balls of missive ruin"

They wring destruction on their enemies and on nature, and their enemies match their violence and technology to bring destruction in return.
"the rest in imitation, the neighbouring hills like Armes uptore"
"Which wrought them pain implacable and many a dolorous groan"

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