How the cat is vaccinated

1 year ago

What is a vaccine?
There are different types of vaccines to prevent different diseases in cats. A vaccine is a vaccine that produces antibodies in the cat's body and helps it fight against germs, viruses, bacteria, etc. Not only for the protection of the cat, but also for your protection, the cat should be vaccinated every year.
Why give the vaccine?
There are some serious diseases in cats that can kill even when no medicine works. Therefore, the cat must be vaccinated before the disease occurs, it does not work if the cat is sick. Some of these diseases (eg rabies) can also be transmitted to humans. Therefore, both pets and humans need vaccines to protect them.
Does the cat need to be vaccinated?........
There are many types of vaccines. However, currently 3 vaccines are given more in Bangladesh.

1. Nobivac® Feline 1-HCPCh

Nobivac vaccine protects cats against 4 viral, bacterial killer diseases. This vaccine is readily available in Bangladesh and is very beneficial for cats. Diseases that this vaccine prevents –

Feline Calicivirus (FCV) (cat flu),
Feline Rhinotracheitis (Pneumonia and Influenza),
Feline Panleukopenia (FPV),
Feline Chlamydophila.

Rabies is a serious and fatal infectious disease of cats. Rabisin vaccine protects cats from rabies disease. It has different durations of 3 years, 1 year, 6 months.

3. Quadricat®

Quadricat vaccine protects cats against calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and rabies.
Does the vaccine have any side effects?
It usually has no side effects. However, many cats may experience itching, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc. for 1-2 days. However, if these symptoms persist for a long time, you must contact the Vet.

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