Mark Fragale Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

1 year ago

The Mark Fragale Interview is featured on The Paul Leslie Hour.

Are you here? We want you to be here, dude!

What we have for you is a radio artifact. This is an interview from our archives that originally went out over the laidback radio airwaves.

On this episode we’re going to be taking you to a place that’s, well. Let’s say this establishment is no longer there. Let’s go back in time to drop in on the Honolulu Surf Museum located in Honolulu, Hawaii. As I said, it’s since closed it’s doors, but this interview is interesting nonetheless.

Let’s get into the who. This is an interview with Mark Fragale. Mark was the curator of the Honolulu Surf Museum which was located at Jimmy Buffett’s at the Beachcomber, Jimmy Buffett’s restaurant and bar. Mark is considered an expert on surfing history. He has lived in Hawaii since the 1970s.

Mark Fragale’s surfing story began in 1962 when at the age of 12 years old he saw a surfer gliding across the water on the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of New Jersey. He was hooked and so began his lifelong love for the sport of surfing!

You know, we’ve got tons of very unique content just like this. We’re rushing to get it all out by the end of this year. There are considerable expenses, and if you’re so inclined please go right here: Give yourself and others the gift of stories.

And with that, I think it’s time we start the show. So let’s start the show. That’s our thing. It’s what we do at the beginning.

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