
11 months ago

By Alessandro Carosi

Last sunday i went to Bournemouth,i planned to go for a long time but always postpone it,what at finally convinced me to go have been a story i read set in this peaceful town in south west England,The year is 1918 and is about a man died during the first world war trying to communicate with a man to share his feelings about life in the other side,is a beautiful story of hope for the future of humanity,you can find the entire story on this link

Apparently on sunday we were supposed to be hit from a wave of energy that would make most of the people more sensitive and nervous,and was recommended to spend time outside in the nature,one more reason for me to get out from London,On Sunday morning after wake up i realised straight away what people and various articles meant about the wave of energy that would affect us,i felt really nervous,over sensitive and struggled to keep the concentration,it was a good idea to leave London that day and spend it by the sea that by nature has a soothing effect,on my way to Bournemouth getting information about the city i found that the postcode is BH1-11 …..

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