1 year ago

By wearing their Quantum Twine Wave Effect® device, Betty and Fred noticed these benefits:

7:13 - She felt a feeling of joy and bliss
7:28 - She feels more energy
10:56 - After 2 months, he was using a cane instead of a wheelchair
13:30 - He is healthier now
14:05 - He is now walking without a cane
14:27 - He is feeling a whole lot better
14:30 - He is able to put on his shirt on his own
14:45 - His nurse was amazed with his results
15:45 - He can now sleep all night long
17:53 - He is able now to walk, drive, work on weights, and work on their yard
19:01 - The QTW really helped him
19:38 - Betty’s sleep is better and having vivid dreams
20:02 - The ringing in her ear is unnoticeable
21:06 - Both of them are changed physically, emotionally, and spiritually
25:08 - His sense of smell is coming back
For details please visit: www.quantumhealingsystems.org

The future of Medicine is FREQUENCIES. Quantum Healing Systems and its QTWE® - Quantum Twine Wave Effect® are unique worldwide. This is the future of medicine as frequencies. Divine Scripture is the nonprofit humanitarian Unincorporated Private Member Association that allows members to participate in QHS Proof-of-Concept Study Trials. This is all made possible through this unique vehicle.

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