The Lord Says: Return to Me My People! Prophetic Word from the Lord 2023

10 months ago

I'm continuing to share a series of messages from the Lord given between Easter and Pentecost 2023. This message was given on April 11th, 2023. Here is a transcription of the message:

If my people will humble themselves and call to me
Then I will answer from heaven
Behold I stand at the door and knock
Prepare for my coming
For I am coming soon
If my people will not turn from their idols and their adulteries
Then I will not hear them when they cry out to me
I am not a God who is silent
From ancient days I have spoken
And I will speak again to this generation
I know your works
You are neither asleep nor awake
You are lovers of self
Not lovers of God
Return to me my people says the Lord of Hosts
Return to me and be saved
Be fed from my hand and drink the waters that I give to you
For the hour is late

Tell my people
The hour of your visitation is coming soon
The hour is coming and is now here where men will no longer tolerate sound speech

This is what the Sovereign Lord says
Behold, there is a door

This is the word of the Lord
I am standing at the door
And I knock

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