overs Tower Moment Energy Vlog

1 year ago

overs Tower Moment Energy Vlog Title is from the date at September 7, 2023, givign us #33 the master number for the master teacher and the Lovers card when we h add it together l. the tower is from the quality at a power of 7.90 or #16 lthe4 To0wer card Upheaval and Sudden change.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site Showed us two amplitudes the first being an amplitude of 38 at 6:45 AM UTC, h thus we have The Devil being brought to Justice at last! The n last amplitude was a power of 44 at 8:15 AM UTc, thus we have strength balanced with temperance is what ai need now. The quality power was 7.90 thus #16 the Tower card predicting the fall. The frequency average was 7.65 hertz thus we have #18 The Moon Card queen of tides, mistress of illusion lunacy and intuition. The Gemini moon start by sextile of Chiron in Aries and ends with the moon entering the sign of Cancer. Looking at all the numbers we have the Lovers needing Strength to face The sudden change brought on by the tower in part due to the lunacy of the Gemini moon .

Space Weather News site showed a small class C CME coming stragith at us in hte next couple of days no worries though it is small. The solar wwind density is at 8 protons per second the wind speed is 400 (KPS). The solar wind tempature is at a relatively cool 70,000 kelvin. The KP index of Geomagni etic activity was all in hte green Zone With a high of three only twice today.

I pulled two Sacred Spirit oracle cards. The first was the Align you Universe Navigate you distortions. the second card was Love and light Act with care.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:

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