70. Thyroid Cases Studies & "Harsh" Truths About Modern Medicine

1 year ago

Dr. Lewis discusses some very enlightening thyroid case studies. For example, a patient with a near-perfect TSH value yet T4 and T3 hormones that are severely out of optimal range.
Dr. Harshfield discusses some cases of medical misinformation, particularly regarding the most prolific treatment provided by standard-of-care practitioners.

Webinar Chat Unedited:

20:12:55 From Scott's S21 : What parasite cleanse do you recommend?
20:13:26 From Patti Proper : Reacted to "What parasite cleans..." with 👍
20:17:18 From Martha Stark, MD : Do you recommend that thyroid medication be taken in the am (upon awakening) or in the pm (before bed)?
20:22:53 From JR To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : One Brazil nut per day has adequate selenium
20:23:11 From Alison Reece : Is 50 mcg se per day too much? How much Iodine as a general health item, not fixing anything particular?
20:23:27 From Alison Reece : Reacted to "What parasite cleans…" with 👍
20:23:35 From Scott's S21 : I've been taking 1 gram of iodine everyday for the past 90 days and notice my body temp has returned to 98.3 from 96.5
20:28:05 From Martha Stark, MD : If the TSH is something like 0.01 but the Free T3 and Free T4 are comfortably within normal limits (as a result of supplementing with 75 mcg of T4), are you still thinking a “shut down” thyroid and iatrogenically created “hyperthyroidism”?
20:28:40 From WG : I thought it takes 3 weeks before the thyroid shows up with a change
20:30:11 From Alison Reece : I have trouble finding recordings of the webinars. I get the notifications of items added, but not recordings. I would like to see the Monday ones which are in the middle of the night for me and since Tuesday was changed to Wednesday I haven’t been able to attend as many in person. Is there a link to the recordings?
20:31:20 From Wayne : I hope this is being recorded because I have no audio
20:33:07 From WG : If needing more hormones, why not eat more cholesterol as it is the precursor to all hormones and see how the body handles it. + food for the thyroid is seaweed
20:39:35 From WG : Oregano oil + wormwood. H. pylori will go into hiding soon after you go after it. Then need to wait to hit it again. It's very clever
20:40:24 From Alison Reece : Too many nuts causes too little zinc?
20:40:44 From Lynn McGaha : Brazil nuts from Peru are much, much lower in selenium than Brazil nuts from Brazil. Most Brazil nuts I see for sale are from Peru.
20:41:32 From WG : Body Bio has a liquid Se in 2 oz bottles....easy to take...also has many other minerals like that
20:42:02 From dawnmcintyre : Multiple parasite cleanses and herbs I’ve used (especially Cellcore) cause diarrhea. Is there a company that does testing for herbals so I can find out which one is causing my intolerance problems?
20:42:36 From Lynn McGaha : Is taking kelp or modifilan sufficient for the iodine requirement?
20:43:31 From Frank : CKOCK ITSELF.
20:45:22 From dawnmcintyre : I took 50mg of iodine for 5 months and my level was 42,000! Caused diarrhea too.
20:47:19 From Alison Reece : Is there enough Vit A in 1 tsp Carson cod liver oil daily?
20:48:34 From Martha Stark, MD : Can a dead thyroid be brought alive?
20:51:14 From Steve : Replying to "Can a dead thyroid b..."

I once had a Chinese TCM doc tell me he could do this.
20:51:58 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Can a dead thyroid b..."

Thank you, Steve!
20:52:52 From Wayne : Do you know anything about "Holy Hydrogen"? I heard a podcast with "Greg the Hydrogen Man" who spoke of things that sounded too good to be true... I also see Luke Storey speaking about it
20:54:01 From Wayne : He (the "hydrogen man") spoke about greatly improving blood work … and supposedly even reversed his father's glaucoma after 3 years (
20:55:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : WG - I agree about hormones - cholesterol is a building block - but - testing can show imbalances - even when “cholesterol” is normal - KEEP IN MIND CHOLESTEROL IS NOT CHOLESTEROL - WE DO NOT MEASURE CHOLESTEROL SO THE TC NUMBER IS WORTHLESS…..
20:55:13 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Do you know anything..."

Wayne – Are you talking about hydrogen-enriched water? These days lots of people are touting its benefits!
20:57:13 From Wayne : how long does stem cell replacement last (on knee or shoulder). I understand that it has to be redone after a number of months or year.... I have no opinion on this; I'm just asking
20:57:13 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Wayne: I believe the hydrogen man when he has labs before and after that corroborate the “amazing” one-off result. Hydrogen is just another redox couple agent - IMHO - It is all about the electromotive potential, pharmacokinetics, and a term ONLY ANDREW knows.
20:58:16 From Wayne : I would like to know more... Is Andrew here?
20:58:30 From Scott's S21 : Has anyone used thus product for parasites?
20:59:52 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Scott: Contact them and see if they can point to a scientific study that shows their product reduces H pylori. I would be interested to know if it does that.
21:05:25 From Wayne : I'd love to hear a full presentation on the CDR. I heard Dr. Naviaux interviewed on the Energy Blueprint. But Dr. N. is self-admittedly hard to follow. I'd love to hear a deep dive from another expert on this (Maybe Dr. Harshfield is one such expert!??!)
21:06:49 From Patti Proper : eggs
21:08:27 From Maura : Beef liver best
21:08:44 From Phyllis B : what was the correct answer
21:08:51 From Lynn McGaha : I make liver pate. Only way I like liver. Cooking frog.com has a good pate reipe.
21:08:58 From Wayne : Beef liver & onions is quite tasty
21:09:00 From Linda Anderson : Raw pastured eggs, bananas, vanilla, etc in the blender
21:09:14 From m. nario : does liver contain all the toxins?
21:09:33 From Maura : Beef heart
21:09:35 From WG : Chicken liver is best cause the chicken does not live long enough to get lots of toxins
21:09:41 From Lynn McGaha : The liver is not a filter. It transforms any toxins.
21:09:52 From Phyllis B : beef or chicken liver?
21:10:47 From WG : Alpha animals all eat liver and heart of the caught animal
21:10:49 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "does liver contain a..."

m. mario – I too have always been concerned that the liver, because it is a major detox organ, would contain lots of toxins. But I am told “No!”
21:11:07 From Beverly A's iPad : You can get smoked cod liver on Amazon
21:11:28 From Scott's S21 : I guess silver nanoparticles do work against candida

21:11:42 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "The liver is not a f..."

Thank you, Lynn!
21:11:58 From Alison Reece : Kangaroo liver?
21:12:52 From Maura : Buy local
21:12:59 From WG : Now over to the fishing docks when the boats come in... I'm up in ME
21:13:26 From Maura : Reacted to "Now over to the fish…" with 👍
21:14:31 From Lynn McGaha : LIver or kidney?
21:15:57 From Lynn McGaha : There seems to be a nationwide shortage of grass-raised and finished beef liver. It's now hard to get.
21:16:25 From Patti Proper : Ancestral supplements has a great selection of organ meat supplements
21:16:44 From Maura : USA so expensive compared to EU
Why ?
21:19:04 From Scott's S21 : Add some cayenne pepper to your liver
21:20:18 From Maura : Why no small butchers in USA
Loads in Europe
21:20:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Rural TN still has plenty of them…. I’m fortunate.
21:20:48 From JR : Same thing with Dr Pepper.
21:20:58 From Scott's S21 : Usda won't allow small butchers
21:21:03 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Texas is becoming too commercial
21:21:25 From JR : The industry calls this the ‘bliss’ point or hyper palatable food
21:21:54 From Wayne : see book, "The Dorito Effect" by Mark Schatzker
21:21:59 From Scott's S21 : Love fresh cilantro
21:22:09 From JR : Reacted to "see book, "The Dorit…" with ❤️
21:22:19 From Alison Reece : Reacted to "Love fresh cilantro " with 👌
21:22:30 From Louise Vogel : RE USDA not allowing small butchers, isn’t there now a federal legislator Massie who is pushing to change this?

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