🚨The People Are Waking Up! 🔥🔥🔥

1 year ago

🚨Thanks To Social Media People Of ALL RACES Are No Longer Buying The BS

🚨This video has over 500k likes! Wow! Keep Speaking Up!!

“Did I just witness what I think I witnessed? Please don't tell me I just saw a billionaire standing next to a multi-millionaire begging the average everyday citizen for donations that can barely get by due to a real-life recession? Living paycheck to paycheck, barely can pay rent, barely can put food on the table for our families in a country where our president is giving away all our resources to another country for money?

If you two don't go take your Hollywood elite behinds to your other Hollywood elite friends and politician buddies that got millions like you do in billions and get all that money together and help out Maui, you are out your damn mind. Please don't insult our intelligence like that. And after you guys do all of that, you will have enough money to help the rest of us. Boo, get out of here with that, the nerve.”

The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires Donation Scam Exposed!!

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons
#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons

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