The Civil War: Freedoms, Guns, and Black Americans

10 months ago

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The inspirational quotes in this video aim to unite people around shared values and a common purpose during these divided times. If any part resonated with you, please like, subscribe and share!

Vivek is running on a platform of reviving national identity, strengthening citizenship, standing up to China, and reducing bureaucracy. Check out his campaign website to learn more about his vision for America's future:

Vivek's Socials:
Twitter - @VivekGRamaswamy
Instagram - @vivekgramaswamy
Facebook - @VivekGRamaswamy
Truth Social - @VivekRamaswamy
Rumble - @VivekRamaswamy

Watch the Full Video Here:
Don Lemon Doesn't Know How to Respond: Vivek Ramaswamy Joins CNN's This Morning

(The original video is licensed under CC BY 4.0)
This video is a shortened version of the original.

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