We Were Warned 62 Years Ago

1 year ago

We Were Warned 62 Years Ago

When vote fraud reared it’s ugly head in 1960 in a very close election Nixon for the sake of the Union backed off rather than fight it. Something I knew Trump was not going to do and for good reason. That fight will go on for a good while. How did we arrive at this point? Eisenhower was president when I was born. He gave a farewell speech on January 17th 1961. There was a warning in there and that warning played out rather quickly. I’d say within three years.

The video link below will take you to a great rundown on LBJ. That was a guy I never liked and when JFK was assassinated I was 9 and I watched LBJ and turned to my father. “He was part of it.” He just looked wrong. In this video you will see that like Biden he makes up all kinds of stupid stories that get exposed later. You will also understand how RFK’s fate was tied up in this as well. What I showed in the video you just watched is the tip of the iceberg on this guy. He created the mess we’re in right now. You will also see how like in the civil war it was the Republicans that weren’t the entrenched racists. It was the party of the Klan the DNC.

This was the Dwight D Eisenhower speech regarding the Article V convention of states.


I mentioned what happened in 1971. It was an event that changed me permanently. Here’s a link to the general story, but there are links in the description that go into much greater detail.

Hitler phones Biden

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