The Friendship of Myrna Loy and Montgomery Clift

1 year ago

Myrna Loy (1905 - 1993) and Montgomery Clift (1920 - 1966) shared a special friendship during the filming of Lonelyhearts (1958). Based on a novel, Clift played the bleeding heart, slightly hysteric journalist Adam West. Loy played the wife of his hardscrabble newspaper editor boss. Drawn to friendships with women, Clift and Loy vacationed together in La Jolla. In New York City, the two attended shows together. Eventually Loy had to make the decision to leave the friendship due to Clift's ongoing drug and alcohol use. Clift died soon afterwards in his Manhattan townhome.


Emily Leider, The Only Good Girl in Hollywood, 2011

Fiyin, "Montgomery Clift Got into Car Crash that Shattered His Beautiful Face and Affected His Life and Career",

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