New Energy & The Future Of Fossil Fuels #netzero #agenda #c-lie-mate

9 months ago

The Great Resist -Saturday 2nd September at the Holiday Inn, Peterborough.

Here's Rev Philip Foster talking about the new energy systems and the future of fossil fuels
Philip Foster

Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.
Theology, University of Cambridge.
Philip Foster is a retired Church of England vicar, writer and long-time supporter of the Eurosceptic UK Independence Party (UKIP).

After completing his degree, Philip Foster taught secondary school and sixth-form students in Nigeria. He trained as a Christian minister and served for 30 years before retiring.

Foster is vice chairman of the cross-party Eurosceptic group Campaign for an Independent Britain.

He is also one of the founding members of Principia Scientific International (PSI), a fringe UK-based organisation. The group, founded in 2010, has claimed that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas and “could actually cool the planet,” as well as calling childhood vaccines “one of the largest most evil lies in history.” Piers Corbyn is a “Consultant/Friend” of PSI.

Foster sits on the steering committee of the Independent Committee on Geoethics, an international group launched in 2015 as a “Climatic Reformation” to counter the “religion” of “CO2-driven Global Warming,” according to Nils-Axel Mörner, a Swedish climate science denier also on the steering committee. Other committee members include Christopher Monckton, Patrick Moore and Roger Tattersall. The group co-sponsored the “Paris Climate Challenge” event hosted by the Heartland Institute in December 2015, designed as a “counter-conference” to the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21). UKIP MEPs Stuart Agnew and Roger Helmer spoke at the event.

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