Giant Step Backwards

9 months ago

There was a recent interview with Edward Dowd, the former BlackRock portfolio manager, turned rogue, who is now an outspoken vaccine critic. His book, Cause Unknown, about the epidemic of sudden deaths due to the vaccine, is a bestseller on Amazon.

Dowd offered some sage wisdom during the interview. He advised people to continue living their lives and fulfilling their dreams and ambitions, despite the creeping global totalitarianism:

“The battle is within. You have to remain calm. You have to stay out of fear and you have to take care of yourself and your loved ones. You have to drown out the noise and not get into a hopeless despair because that will cause anxiety and depression. There’s going to be cadence to this because the world isn’t going to end overnight, nor will it be televised. So continue to live your lives, go to your kids’ graduations. If you have a girlfriend, get married, have a kid. You just got to live your life with the understanding that the normalcy bias you might have had is gone and you have to be able to live in uncertainty and take the punches as they come but not freak out about them. It’s a struggle within and once you get your house right and take care of your mental well-being, you can help others …”

So it’s okay to have some kids and raise some chickens. Okay, he didn’t say raise some chickens, but it has been on my mind lately, because City Hall, here in Vancouver, allows any resident to raise four chickens on their property. No kidding.

I discovered this because our neighbour has two friendly chickens who wander over and peck on our front lawn and sometimes drop in for a visit.

Ya didn't believe me did ya?
Didn’t believe me? I would never lie about chickens…
Of course the city bureaucrats have to get their stubby little hands into everything—you have to register your chickens and a city inspector will come over and check out your chicken coup. You also have to get an annual permit. Why can’t City Hall just f*ck off?!

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