Nobel Laureate Debunks UN Climate Models

1 year ago

According to Nobel laureate John Clauser, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for settling a long-standing argument between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr relating to Quantum Entanglement, all the climate models that have been produced by the United Nation's International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), pursuant to which Western civilization (alone) is currently being dismantled and re-structured, fail to address the complexities of one key environmental variable known as Albedo (the reflectivity of solar radiation by Earth's clouds). In other words, the IPCC's 40 different climate models, all of which violently disagree with each other (a huge, unacknowledged issue in itself), completely ignore the natural thermostatic effects of cloud cover.
Clauser not only wonders how anyone who calls themselves a "scientist" could overlook such a key factor in climate dynamics as Albedo, he also warns those whom he describes as the "political persuasion" that the current war they are waging on Carbon Dioxide (the "Gas of Life" and one of the four primary "Building Blocks of Life") and Methane are not only a product of [Globalist] politics rather than rigorous science, they are a huge waste of money and resources that could be used to help humanity in truly meaningful ways.
Mr. Clauser is also one of two other Nobel laureates who recently signed a declaration organized by the Clintel Foundation alongside 1,600 other scientists and professionals, stating that "there is no climate emergency." In this video, Mr. Clauser breaks down why he considers the major climate models to be flawed, and why he believes America's climate policies are wasteful, misguided, and counterproductive.
Scientists Say 'NO!' to Fake Climate Narrative

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